

National Young Farmers Coalition

The next generation of farmers and ranchers need credit to launch and grow their farm businesses. USDA FSA loans can help farmers invest in important inputs and equipment, purchase farmland, build infrastructure on their farms, and more. Unfortunately, they are largely not engaged with USDA Farm Service Agency loan programs that can help. And due to to decades of documented discrimination at USDA, many do not trust that the agency has their best interests at heart. And for young farmers, many of whom are first-generation farmers, they do not have a family history of working with the agency. In our 2017 National Young Farmer Survey, we found that 30% of farm owner respondents were unfamiliar with USDA programs. Forty percent thought the applications and paperwork were too burdensome. And 28% said their local USDA has been difficult to work with. To ensure our communities have access to fresh, local food we must ensure these farmers have access to the federal programs designed to help.

Young BIPOC farmers need additional outreach and information to decide to apply to FSA programs, connect with their FSA office, and support filling out the necessary paperwork for the program. As an organization with a lot of trust with young, BIPOC farmers, we are in the best position to introduce these farmers to USDA FSA programs. Through phone calls, events, and social media, farmers will learn about USDA FSA, what loan programs best serve young farmer needs, and how to apply. Our partner in the Southeast, RAFI, will provide one-on-one technical assistance to help answer questions and support farmers in filling out the applications.

The ultimate goal of our project is to increase the number of young, BIPOC farmers successfully utilizing FSA loan programs. Once these farmers have a positive experience and are in the system, they’ll be able to work with FSA for years to come and eventually graduate to commercial credit. With the capital they need to launch and grow their farm businesses, we’ll all benefit from the quality food they are able to grow.

Organization Details

418 Broadway
c/o Beahive
Albany, NY 12207

Phone Number


Grant Pool

American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program - Cohort 1

Grant Year


Organization Contacts
Name Email Phone
  • Vanessa Garcia Polanco Project Director 4015452581
  • Vanessa Garcia Polanco Project Director 4015452581